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My other sister and BIL texted my husband the next day that they were there for him if he necessary the rest they were rooting for him. I idea my head was spinning!Those two sat and said the worst possible things about me and nobody believes me and my other sister is rooting for him?Clearly I have overlooked some major goings on. but at that second, I was concerned with my parents knowing that I have never lied exam them and does not lie exam them and hat them questioning me on this, when I was essentially so distraught was heartbreaking, was both my fogeys when this came about, my husband drove home at 1am with out telling anybody. My mother wondered my sister, she lied, said my husband and I got in exam help fight and he left how did she know he had left when my mom spoke exam her within the morning. Trying exam get their stories directly. My sister lied examination everybody, said nope, I was just crazy, has to be the medication.
